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Friday, 11 December 2009

The Start Of Something Better Than You

Something amazing happened yesterday, something that no one else could ever even conceive of happening. You know what it is? DO YOU!? Well, simply put, we started filming yesterday!

The best thing ever to come out of Sussex except for brown ale butter has been put into motion. The cast list is astounding!

Jamie: Is an actor who plays the part of the criminal, who is suspected of breaking the law. Jamie also will be doing some of the camerawork.
Will: Is another actor who plays the part of the poilceman who interveiws Jamie. Also will has drawn the storyboard.
Georgia: Will be doing most of the camerawork and also has written the script.

I think we can all agree, that this is shaping up to be better than anything that half-arsed moron Speilburgh ever did! (Btw i am joking).

Yesterday was a hailstorm of activity, after much trooping through the college we found our room in the form of one of the old music rooms.
We changed the room by setting up a desk in the middle and also two chairs to go with it.

We have our scene setting! Once we had that it was just a simple case of filming as many of the scenes inside the room as we could get away with. As a lot of people uses the room, so we had to get it done as fast as possible. That meant, getting the door handle absolutely perfect, which of course it was. Getting the opening of the door to reveal Jamie in all his dastardlyness absolutely perfect, which of course it was. With the minor problem of the difference in sound, because of the time scale.

P.S: All of Jo's group rocks.......except for Jo.

1 comment:

  1. Add a photo of the group, and a more revealing profile - remember that this is an examination piece too!
