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Monday 22 February 2010

'Flashforward' Jamie Simmons

Camera Work

  • The opening of this sequence starts with an establishing shot of a small town which informs the audience instantly of the setting. This then fades into a closer birdseye view that pans over the town. The shot gives the impression that their is no life in this place and builds an eerie atmosphere which helps to give across the illusion of a thriller.
  • There is another birdseye shot of the children crowding around the little girl. This shows the viewer clearly that she is being surrounded and her isolation from the others.
  • When the girl is running away, a long shot is used to show her running across the road. This long shot gives the audience a clear view of how close she is to being hit by the cars and creates more suspense.
  • When the man is sitting in the talk, a lot of close ups are used to show his expression and display that he is not really focused on where he is.
  • The slow motion shots of non main characters allow the viewer to see how the situation in the film is affecting everyone and builds more gives more indication to the thriller nature of it.


  • The establishing shot and the overhead view of the children appearing to be dead help create a slow start to the film. This then drastically changes when the girl is running away as the cutting between shots becomes very quick and frantic, helping to create immediate suspense.

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