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Friday 5 February 2010

Vertigo (Will)

1) The non diegetic background music is very declaritive as well as provoking an air of mystery and terror to make the audience get an idea as to the goings on of the film they are about to witness
2) The diegetic dub of the dying policemans scream as he falls to the floor, shocks and terrifies the audience as it makes the act seem that bit more brutal and gruesome
1) We have of course the world famous 'Vertigo shot', the shot that was invented during this film (zooming in on an object whilst backing the camera away from it) this is designed to disoriantate the audience and works very well to scare the audience as it does genuinely make you feel vertigo as though you looking down a sheer drop.
2) The ECU of the womans eyes at the start of the titles gives the audience an ominous feeling as the eyes are shifty, making the audience what they are being shifty about
3) The CU of the wrungs of the ladder before you see 2 hands clenching onto them makes the audience take in the fact that they are high up on the rooftops due to the difference in depth of the wrungs and the scenary of the rooftops
4) The MS of the roof they are jumping onto during the chse emphasises just how dangerous it is as it allows the audience to see each one of the men stuggle to get up the roof in sucsession until of course one of them falls clinging onto the drain pipe
5) The shot of the policeman falling to his death is emphasised by the fact that the hanging policeman is stoill in shot struggling to climb back up
Mise En Scene
1) Typical old fashioned policemans outfits worn by the cunstable and the officor wears an old fashioned suit with smart cufflinks. Giving the audience a firmer idea and helping them beleive the time
2) The pipes emerging out of the roof tops allows the audience to truly beleive that the characters are on a roof instead of it being flat and normal ground level
1) The policeman appears to be the kind to care and always try t help despite the risk, a trait that leads to his downfall.
1) The setting is on top of the rooves of London, around the time of the great depression. Th old fashioned cockney London shining through
1) The title of the film flying out of the womans suddenly paniced eye informs the audience of what they can expect from the film they are about to watch as well as force the audience to wonder what exactly has caused the woman to suddenly panic.

2) The swirling cvortex within the womans eyes gives off an air of disorientation as well as mystery to the audience, acting as an enigma code for the otherwise normal eye

3) The swirling vortex during the opening credits i think is designed to disorientate veiwers straight from the start, giving almost an air of drugs and crazyness to the film.

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