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Friday, 26 February 2010



Opening sequence:

The general idea of the of the thriller is the old cliché of serial killer is on the loose and 2 detectives set out too track down and capture the antagonist. The sequence will begin with a series of flashbacks featuring various dead bodies and instruments of murder. It will then cut to the office of 2 detectives. (One half of the office is very untidy and unorganized; the other half is immaculately tidy and contrasts the messy half in every way. In the middle of the room there will be a giant board covered in various newspaper cuttings and pictures). Once the 2 detectives will be introduced via a dialogue, first regarding each other, then the case they are investigating. The case being a series of murders that have been occurring over the last month that have gone unexplained and no leads have yet been found. The heated discussion then results in one of the detectives noticing something in the case allowing a breakthrough.

Synopsis for whole film:

The opening two minutes will give a good indication to how the rest of the film will go. Basically the breakthrough made at the end of the sequence leads the two detectives on a wild chase in search of the unknown antagonist, with many twists and turns that will lead to an inevitable stand off.


  1. You need more on the rest of the narrative! This is a little vague to say the least. What will some of the 'twists' and 'turns' be? Will there be a pattern to the murders? Will this be a genuine lead or not? Have you seen Se7en? If not, watch it and decide whether yours is different and how.

  2. Think very carefully about the evidence board. This will be a vital part of making your work distinctive and interesting. If it's done badly, your work will look much less successful. Plan the items for this very carefully and blog suggested images, texts and any other items.

  3. You'll be ready to go when I've seen the storyboard. Get it on to the blog as an animatic asap too.
