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Monday, 1 March 2010

The Latest On See Me!

OK then ladies and gentleman! We have finally got our grove back as the past week or so has just been a hell fire storm of activity and decision making.

Firstly, we have not only decided on a plot! But we have even gone so far as to write a script! I myself have written the script from scratch and have been rather pleased with the out come as it gives us loads of scope for camera angles and some really decent acting. I have also been in charge of location and even though they have not yet been uploaded due to my internet being totally confused as to its job, I have indeed taken many pictures of locations, mainly of murder scenes.

Next up on the accomplishments list we have the simply magnificent, Georgia! The girl who is so good at her job it makes you want to snuff it just so you can preserve the moment forever! She was totally in charge of the story board! She has drawn the storyboard and decided on most of the camera angles and distances.

But what blog would be complete without the latest from Jamie as well. He has been in charge of props and the synopsis, doing a superlative job on both fronts, especially props where he has managed to compile the list of things that we actually need and find out where we can get them from. So as you can see. Life is good in the base camp of See Me. We are thus making heavy progress and have managed full well to display thos, no matter what you say dammit!


  1. There is some relevant material here, but Will, you really do need to cut some of the chatty asides on your posts. Your blogs are short on the kinds of pre production discussion on planning that gets you marks. None of the chat will, and may get the wrong kind of attention from external moderators! More appropriate material please!

  2. You have still not uploaded a storyboard or animatic, and therefore you are now getting dangerously behind. You need to be filming now to be sure to complete by the filming deadline on March 12th!
