Mise En Scene
1) At the end of the title sequence is an image of pigeons on the floor of Venice, in which the shadow of Hannibal's face can be seen. This keeps with the theme of searching for someone who is illusive as well as reveals who the main character is in the film.
2) The setting of the moving CCTV images appears to be of Venice. This implies style and ties in well with the non diegetic background music as well as revealing to the audience where the film will be set and maybe even where Hannibal is hiding.
3) Occasionally in the CCTV images the shadow of a man will flash up, mostly walking away from the camera. This suggests to the audience the idea of only getting a mere glimpse of the man you are trying to find and keeps with the theme of searching.
1) The non-diegetic sound throughout the entire titles is completely uncharacteristic to the film in that it is classical and on the piano to a film about a serial killer. But it is however relevant to the main character, Hannibal and as this is a sequel, people should already have enough of an insight to Hannibal Lecter to know that the music is very characteristic of him
2) Occasionally the images in the title sequence will switch to a group of police officers and on top of the music there will be a seemingly diegetic sound of people talking through walkie talkies. This implies the law to the audience and again is relevant to the theme of finding someone, namely, the fugitive that is Hannibal
1) The titles themselves are in a very graceful font that is designed to look like curling and elegant handwriting. This is relevant as it gives the audience an idea as to the mind of the main character.
2) The first title in the sequence (that of the name of the film) is placed on top of the all to famous Hannibal Lecter mask. This will hint to the audiences who have seen The Silence Of The Lambs that Anthony Hopkins is indeed in it.
3) Occasionally flashed up on the moving images behind the credits themselves is the definitive stamp with 'official' written on it. This implies the government to the audience and so also hints that the man being looked for is no normal fugitive if the government themselves are looking for him.
1) The camera work during the title sequence is that of CCTV. This gives the audience an idea as to the theme of the film, namely that of searching for someone or something through ordinary life.
OK - this looks fine - but have you now done 5 in total (1 from class work and 4 of your own)? Also, much more blogging needed on your filming and editing from both of you.