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Friday 19 March 2010


As some of our shots are too long and do not have a variety of angles etc, we are going to re-shoot some to make them more interesting. We are currently discussing when this will happen.

Hopefully soon we will also get some shots of the evidence board, this will probably be done somewhere in college as we had trouble trying to find one outside of college.

So far I have made three newspaper pages, which we can put on the board. As well as this I will be searching for pictures of maps from the south east so i can print one out and put on the board along with various photographs which I took of 'the deaths'.
Today as well as searching for maps I am going to write some information about 'the deaths' which will go on the board.

These are the newspapers: (Note the information on these are not relevant, only the headings on them are).

Georgia Worsfold

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